Oops! I accidentally hit the like button on the OP!
breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
Death is not something to be feared!
by iconoclastic inscience can explain how of things, but it cannot explain why of certain things (for example, why did life arise from non-life and evolved from simpler creatures to more complex life forms only to die and disappear?
) so are the conflicted religions whose chief concern is in safeguarding each ones separate identity..
next option is to look for pearls among the stonesusing power of our own reason.
I'm sick of...
by freemindfade ini'm sick of.... ...having an elder i barely know invite himself over to my house, and bring another asshole elder with him, you know, to "see how i'm doing" f-ck them.
...having same elder with all insincerity approach me at the beeting and before inviting himself over, ask, "how are you doing?
" then when i say everything is great, go ahead and invite them selves over anyway.
breakfast of champions
Don't like unannounced visits from pesky elders?
Knock on their door at 6AM or 10PM and ask them a stupid question like if it's going to rain tomorrow.
If they give you any trouble, tell them stop calling unannounced at your house, and you will do the same.
Watchtard Dancing Around the Word "Rapture"
by freemindfade inthere were so many things wrong with this weeks watchtower, its hard to pick one, but one that really bothered me was this watchtower business and their delivery.
i have never seen them quite have to explain something away like this in a study article like this before.
shows me they are battling people feeling confused.
breakfast of champions
Exactly ISLAND MAN. . . . they're not CREATIONISTS because they don't believe the earth was created in 6 days; when they ask for money it's not SOLICITING because that would mean they send you an envelope requesting a specific amount be sent in; they don't meet in CHURCHES, they meet in KINGDOM HALLS . .. . .
The JW Newspeak knows no bounds . . . .
Canadian Bethel among the secretive charities
by gone for good inhttp://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2011/11/15/audit_of_charities_encounters_resistance.html.
interesting canadian information on popular charities.
regarding the "cushion" factor that mentions how many years these charities could continue to function without a single donation remember that the wt brranches download all proceeds directly to new york.. classic cult conduct in handling donated fundswith minimal transparency.
breakfast of champions
This is really fascinating . .. . thanks for posting the link! -
TV.JW.ORG (September 2015) - Generation explained again
by Designer Stubble inguess the overlapping generation concept is difficult for most to comprehend.
david spane does his best to explain it again.
the cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that fred franz died.
breakfast of champions
Maybe they had second thoughts already.
It seems like they never really thought about it in the first place!
Watchtower can cite their sources after all
by wannaexit inas far as i can remember watchtower has been notorious for not citing their sources in their literature.
the most they will do is to cite their in house, long living expert by the name of scholar.
after 40 + years all i've ever read is the mantra "one scholar says" ad nauseum.
breakfast of champions
Nice find WANNAEXIT!
Nearly Killing My Mother Wasn't Enough !
by cookiemaster inas some of you might have read last week, my mother had extremely low hemoglobin and without it, she would have died.
i have somehow managed to bring her to reason and accept the transfusion.
it saved her life.
breakfast of champions
They can all go to hell.
Hebrew Was The First Language
by Bloody Hotdogs! inaccording to the newest watchtower:.
jehovah communicated with adam in the garden of eden, using human language.
god likely did so in an ancient form of hebrew.
breakfast of champions
And the evidence for this is. . . . .. .. . .? -
breakfast of champions
Awwwww. . . .Come on, you cynical apostate bastards!
That's just good ole Brother McFeeley!
Nice Old Dears Tried to "Witness" to me Today
by cofty inan older man and wife - ray and mary - got chatting to me today.
they were tourists admiring local wildlife.
i gave them a few tips on where to go to see some interesting things and it wasn't long before they were telling me about how awful the world is "nowadays" and paradise yadda yadda.
breakfast of champions
I love these stories!